Maret 03, 2010

blank notes


..time after time...

facing so many different faces....the same old story..

wake up. work. busy.busy.busy.


wished i could freeze the time, and be no where.

but i don't want to travel a lot, just to having fun. this same old soul just want a different taste of a little something.

In this life, i just want to want to be myself only. And find my own happiness inside my soul.

No matter where,who,or when. I don't really care it much.

Live borderless. live well.

U know U love Me.
.: cheers :.

Februari 25, 2010


It's good to be a traveller somehow.

it's like being in a few somewhere i don't know places in a different time. I can taste the vibe. i can smell the atmosphere. And for some reasons, i feel like i am free. like a bird.

Life's getting good. And i thank God every single day since that.

I remember my Grandma said to me, "live well,dear. And stays whatever your are to keep your dignity". She passed away a year ago, catchup to her beloved husband -yes,my great grandpa-, that has already passed away when i was 17. I missed them so much. And i cry sometimes, not to remember how to lose them, but because i realize..this is the feeling when you missed somebody and you cry, and you memorize the good thing. Lessons that you'll never get enough from anybody else.

And i do believe, God above has taken both of them in a very good place.

They already taught my parents and their entire grandsons and granddaughters very well. This good values i hope i will pass to my daughters or sons someday.

I love you all, without any doubt.God bless.


Februari 13, 2010

Man with E.G.O.

heyya,,,try to chillout after working my as* out of work,gosh,,try my best to have a nice sleep,get lazzzzzy and be whatever i am for the last 2 days in these "crazy" weekend what everybody so called vallentine's day or imlek day,,yea whateva...for me,it's just a getaways from my hectic days so far,,,

but then, as i stupidly open my mails,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,goooooooosshhhh damn it,,,,bug me right in the perfect mood.

gosh,i'm so tired,,,and when i'm not tired,,i'm just mad,,maddd,,maddd,,and madd,,,the problem is,i feel like numb. totally numb. i smile,i laugh,but i don't really smile or laugh. i'm soooo mad.

about my hectic work, me of being lonely,and numb.

No...No...i guess,i'm not mad about my hectic world,i used to loved it.and i am a hectic and so-ready underpressure-person.

i think i mad to myself, because i don't know what to do.

everything seems so wrong. what is happening with me ?

i think tht's Man with E.G.O. goshhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate it. just leave me alone. U're really ruin my life,and everything seems not good enough for you.


Januari 04, 2010

Hola Hop !!!

Alohaaaaaa,,,apa kabar? Lama banget ya gue ga nulissss,,ya ampuunnn,,,well seorang teman meyadarkan gue,,and hmmm i'm getting tired of fb-ing lately,,br keinget pny blog haha,,jelek2 gini gpp lah asal bisa gua corat-coret,, :D

so,,gileeee yaaa ga kerasa bgt,,dah 2010!! anywayyy byk bgt yg berubah dalam hidup gue,dan gue bersyukuuuurrrr bgt atas semua itu,,

ga sabar gue ceritain,,gimana gilanya gue,jejingkrakannya gue,bersyukurnya gue,,bisa kelilingan di berbagai tempat,moto2,travelling ampe jelek,belajar2 hal2 baru (yg mungkin buat org lain hal yg biasa,tp buat gue itu luar biasa!!),pny tanggung jawab baru,pny teman2 baru..semuaaaa serba baruu,,hehe

"Ga smua kesalahan itu bikin gua jatuh dan lumpuh,gua ga akan nyesel gue bisa sebahagia ini hari ini karena kesalahan gue..hidup gue jauuhhh lbh baik dan gue bisa ngeliat sesuatu lebih jernih dari sebelumnya"

thx god for everything,u're rock !!!

ciao !! ntr satu-satu gua ceritain ya,sabaarrr,,,org sabar idungnya lebarrr... :D

.:: dhien ::.