April 12, 2009

a flashback...

first, I don’t remember when exactly i kept them all of my unpublished folder,but tonight as i rearrange my old stuff, suddenly i find out my long-lost beloved diary,my hi-school memoirs book,and ohh gosh..can't believe it..pictures of mine when i was a little.Some of them belong to my pap's,my mum's,and my bro. Oh,what a story...

God...can't believe years passed by sooo damn quickly. It feels like yesterday i still can smell the grass in the backyard with my mum's hi-tone voice yelling not to let me play in the bright sunlight or mud.Now everything's changed a lot.I'm 24,grown to be woman wanna be.I do have a perfect sample how to be a great parent,one thing that i would never exhausted to be thankful to God is because blessing me with this family. thank you,ebez..for always be a great father to me..u really taught me well..i adore you in every aspects,i wished i could always be your no.1 daughter in the world.To mum,mamah..mamahh..mamaaahh..i dunno how million advices and wise words u've given me..thank you for letting me to be myself..thank you for always be there for me in good or bad times..always listen and being patient of wht i've done..forgive me for all of my mistakes,my stubborn style,and immature words...u mean everything to me. My brooo..my gendut,damnn i feel so dumbluck to have a bro like u,we're like a pair of shoes,never apart each other forever and always.

i know i'm not perfect,but i'm eager to learn every mistakes i've done. I dunno what future would bring me,as long as u're all by my side,there's nothing to worry about.

I walk thru this path,and suddenly i see u,my love..and forgive me i couldn't love you the way it's supposed to be,i might hurt you,you might hurt me too,dear..but i promise i will learn to be tough, stand up and run...will it be that much to asked whether you could do the same thing...and you could love me better..

we won't stop here.together we'll run the sun time after time.


.: dhien :.

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